Our products add a new level of excitement to your commander games with our meticulously designed and engineered MTG Proxy cards. Enjoy sharp crisp colors with glossy, matte or holographic finishes that make a statement. Made with authentic MTG card stock for exact match in size, thickness, and material. Cards are professionally printed on “Super Smooth” black core card stock. Intense and beautiful full art designs that explode off the card and made to look clean and be durable.SearchSearchEDH DECKS EDH DUEL DECKSCaptain America Vs Hashaton Marvel vs Mortal Kombat Captain America Vs Hashaton EDH STAPLES Black Staples MTG Proxy Cards, Premium Custom Commander Cards, Reanimate, Vampiric Tutor, Black Tutors, Commander Black StaplesEDH LAND PACKS Basic Lands, Schematic Lands